Marvelous Marble Design

Exterior and Interior French Limestone Columns

Limestone is hard, strong and sturdy in nature. It has these unique features of sophistication and quality if made into something. Limestone can possibly be used as flooring or columns. If we speak of columns, we generally think of using them as pillars to make sure that the ceiling or room will not fall down. As you can see around, columns have many uses other than this. A mansion can look bigger and taller if it has tall marble columns on its foyer or living room area. Luxury marble columns can even add to the dramatic look of your fireplace area where you can sit and read some books during the winter season.


french limestone column


Italian limestone columns are good pillars for the bathroom because hard as they are naturally, they have compact particles that water cannot easily penetrate. This is the same thing with marble columns, granite columns and Greek columns allowing them to maintain their strength and power for hundreds of years. Old houses, infrastructures and establishments can prove all these claims particularly those which have been in existence for hundreds of years already.


Anyone who wishes to acquire columns and other decorative materials that deal with stones will have no trouble in looking for their products because there are a lot in existence. One manufacturer of columns of various styles and designs that are remarkable is Marvelous Marble Design Inc that is ready to help any consumer find the right decorative materials for his or her house. For more information of their products you may visit their website or you can call 1-888-272-0630. Nobody should be deprived of something that can help him or her live a comfortable life.

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 8:13 pm.

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French Limestone Columns Design

It is definitely enjoyable to spend time in your patio particularly if you are tired from your whole day activities. Despite the various house areas, the porch or patio is the most ideal to sit and relax while talking with your family members. Of course since you have had too much stress and headaches from your work, you are expecting to be relaxed at home sitting on your settee in the porch. Your comfortable and stylish patio is at hand with the help of custom design columns that you can avail from manufacturers that are reputable like Marvelous Marble Design Inc. This company manufactures products for flooring and columns that are of outstanding quality. You may call the company’s number 1-888-272-0630 for inquiries whenever you need.

french limestone columns

A simple patio or porch that is made of wooden materials can have that stylish look if you use marble columns, granite columns, roman Corinthian and Greek columns to be its pillars. You may have your columns designed as fluted columns, square columns, hollow columns, and solid shaft columns according to your want. There are not only stone made columns accessible but fiberglass or wooden made ones as well. Not all can afford all types of columns because columns vary in prices as well. These difficulties of the design and the kind of materials they are made of affect the price of the columns. Each material type has different life span and level of endurance. It is necessary to choose something you know that will last for a lifetime. Pick something that is not hard to clean and maintain. Bear in mind that your patio is exposed to many weather changes and conditions, pollutants and other materials that may either give your columns certain changes. Do not settle for something that is so simple when you can possibly have the best.



Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 8:07 pm.

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Italian Limestone Columns

If there’s a place that you have to keep it safe and comfortable, it is your own house. Yes, you have to make certain that you are occupying a house where you are safe. It must have strong pillars to hold the ceiling and the roof well for decades and likely for centuries as well. In the case of strong and sturdy pillars, you can have a look on the products manufactured by Marvelous Marble Design Inc via their website or you may ask questions for some more information by calling 1-888-272-0630.

italian limestone column

In the past, the primary function of columns is to strongly support the ceiling and roof of a house but lately, it was found out that columns are ultimate type of home decor. With Greek columns, cast limestone columns, Italian marble columns, Roman Corinthian and limestone columns, a simple and small house can offer their guests an environment that royalties have. Granite columns can make you feel how near you are to the nature because of their appearance. There are a lot of manufacturers of columns in Toronto, Canada, Virginia, San Diego and Maryland that you can pay a visit in case you need some of their products for your house.


Granite and other kinds of columns come in various designs and styles. There are tapered columns, hollow columns, solid shaft columns and square columns which you can make use as exterior or interior columns. Granite columns and marble columns are absolutely made of stone that is naturally sturdy and has high endurance. Before deciding on the design, size and color check the details in your house that the columns need to adapt with for you not to damage but improve your house’s looks. See to it that you have given the right information regarding the details and design you want for your granite columns.

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 8:02 pm.

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Italian Cream Marfil Marble Stone Column

Do you want to have that house in California which makes everybody who happens to pass by your place turn their heads back to take another and another glimpse of your lovely house? You can certainly achieve it by incorporating Italian marble columns to your porch or patio. Any kind of column like cream marfil columns, granite columns, Greek columns and others can be used as pillars or precast according to your wish. A simple yet elegant marble column use as table stand can already make a difference how much more custom design columns that come in bigger size.

 marble stone column

California is place that has continued to develop over the years and so the people’s lifestyle changes as well. You might have come up with the idea of enhancing the looks of you house to fit in the kind of lifestyle you presently have. Roman Corinthian is recommended if you are looking for column type that will offer ancient homes ambiance that imposes authority just like the Roman in the past.


Not only that, for individuals who want their houses to have some sort of Italian touch, Italian marble columns are what you are seeking for. You can use it as pillars for your bathroom, kitchen, living room, porch or even foyer. Aside from this, for people who are on tight budget but wish to have columns in their house, you can buy hollow columns that are less expensive than onyx columns, Italian limestone columns or Calcutta marble columns. Companies like Marvelous Marble Design Inc are ready to cater your needs for columns of various types. You may call this company through their number 1-888-272-0630 if you want to have some more information of the details of each column type. Custom design columns that contain attractive designs are also available.



Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 7:59 pm.

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Creme Marfil Italian Marble Columns

In decorating your house or doing some interior and exterior renovations, you have to consider several things. You have to make sure that each details of the house will match each other and will work hand in hand in order to provide the results you want. Marble flooring are of flexible characteristics. They can easily adapt to any home decor. The same things goes with marble columns, cream marfil columns, and granite columns that can be used as interior columns for the rooms and other areas of your house. You have to choose products that are adaptable to anything around it or them.

 italian marble column

Large houses typically have wider spaces which require more home decors to include. A house will look unpleasant if you leave some of its areas unoccupied. Make the exterior part of your house pleasant to your eyes as well as to others through including fluted columns or solid shaft columns on your front porch. These materials have mysterious effects to many. An inviting house can make guests or anyone who will pay your house a visit comfortable. This is very much achievable through marble columns foyer. The foyer is the part of the house that guests will first have a chance to see in the interior part of the house. Once they will feel how relaxing the ambiance is with several columns made of marble with unique designs, they will surely be delighted that they had come over to your place.


There are some more types of columns that you can use for large houses to choose from. Check out what Marvelous Marble Design Inc can offer you by calling 1-888-272-0630. This is one of the best manufacturers of columns, flooring and other decorative materials use to improve houses. Your house deserves to be appreciated and enhanced after all.

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 7:54 pm.

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Custom Italian Limestone Column

Every feature or detail of the house is essential and plays an important role. Each of them contributes a lot to provide the house its overall appearance so you cannot miss out anything. There is one particular home decor that has never been ignored by homeowners who wish to give their house that stylish facade. This is the use of columns in any part or room of the house. You are pretty familiar for sure about the Greek columns and Roman Corinthian that contain that mysterious yet fascinating designs that have been used way back the ancient period. These columns much like marble columns and onyx columns are made of exceptionally sturdy stone.


italian limestone column


Columns are made to hold the ceiling and roof of a house. But in these days, they serve more purposes that merely weight support. They are used as decorative and are very much efficient materials for any house enhancement. If you had done your house’s design to be elegant interior and exterior, then you must surely fit in elegant items and materials on it. Luxury marble materials would definitely complement the elegance your house has been in possession.



Not only that, there are other types of columns such as cast limestone columns, solid shaft columns, cream marfil columns and Calcutta marble columns that can offer your house a timeless kind of beauty. One of the manufacturers of these products that you may transact with is the Marvelous Marble Design Inc with telephone number 1-888-272-0630 that you may call any office hours time for help. It does not matter whether you live in Florida, Los Angeles, California or Maryland if you are planning to purchase luxury marble columns for your house. Lots of manufacturers of this product type are available around your area that you can visit any time you want.


Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 7:36 pm.

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Italian Marble Columns

Architects and interior decor contractors would surely use or recommend columns to be included in the interior designs of your house. Columns such as Greek columns, onyx columns, limestone columns and marble columns are possible to fix in the kitchen, porch, bathroom, foyer or living room of the house. For high end residential houses in places like Vancouver, New Jersey, New York and Florida, one can incorporate interior columns that are of durable quality in different areas of the house. You can possibly provide your living room with that elegant and classic look using luxury marble columns or marble columns that have decorative designs.

 italian marble column

Your kitchen will not look dull and boring if you are to include it with interior columns like Calcutta marble columns, granite columns and limestone columns that are known to be cast stone columns promising that sophisticated look to your kitchen. These columns can perfectly match with your marble counter top and marble flooring as well. Marble columns on foyer and marble columns in bathroom may be luxury marble columns but every cent you spend on them will be worth the result.


Manufacturers of these products like Marvelous Marble Design Inc will surely provide best quality columns for the interiors of your house. If ever you want to have some more ideas about the columns that you can use for your residence, call the company’s phone number 1-888-272-0630. Cast stone columns do not just make your house stronger but pleasant to stay as well. These columns will surely provide you with that relaxing ambiance especially if you will include ornaments and other interior decors. Porch areas with columns that are of unique designs will surely make you enjoy having coffee on your porch table while viewing your surroundings and relaxing your mind. Bring home the best interior columns and be delighted.



Posted 11 years, 8 months ago at 7:25 pm.

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Why You Need To Cover Stone Columns

Home improvements have become a very popular trend among homeowners all over the world. Driving through states such as New York and California, you can’t help but notice the many remodeling projects being done, in a bid to improve appearance. Stone columns in particular have become very popular for both interior and exterior decoration projects. The versatility of these columns has made them very popular with homeowners that are not only keen on looks but also value. Unfortunately, many people still do not know how to maintain and take good care of these pillars. Despite the toughness of these columns, covering them can keep them around for much longer. 

stone columns

Covering stone columns has been shunned in many homes wince it sounds like a very involving exercise. Many homeowners in Los Angeles, Chicago admit that they have never found time to maintain their columns since they were installed. What they do not know is that once the columns have been cleared of any dirt or debris, lathering them with mortar will take very little time. This is where you will need the assistance of an experienced remodeling expert. If the mortar is perfectly mixed, it will take just about 24 hours to dry up smoothly.

Improve Appearance & Reliability

Leading stone column manufacturers such as Marvelous Marble Design Inc. always do their best to ensure they manufacture the most durable pillars that will support your home for years. However, allowing dirt and mold to pile around these pillars will not only undermine their inviting look but also threaten their durability. If you need the pillars to be around for quite some time, covering them is the best decision you can make. However, you have to ensure the covering does not mess up the blend of your interior or exterior decor.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 2:07 pm.

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What to Look Out For In Architectural Stone Columns

Stone columns have become extremely popular for construction projects throughout North America. From Chicago and Florida to New York and even Toronto, these pillars have become part and parcel of every domestic and commercial building project, and it’s very easy to see why. Stone pillars can not only transform the looks of a home but also improve the value by taking support to a whole new level. However, this will only happen if you know what to look out for. This guide will help you identify the factors to consider in architectural stone columns.

stone columns

–  Material

The first question you will have to answer is which kind of material will work best on your property. Some of the more popular choices include marble, limestone, sandstone as well as granite. Your choice of material will depend on availability, durability as well as the cost. Do not make the mistake of concentrating only on the looks.

–  Design and Style

Over the past years, stone columns have become popular thanks to their retro look that adds diversity to contemporary structures. However, you do not want your home to have the same redundant look every other home has. This is why you need to choose a unique style that will make your place stand out in the neighborhood.

–  Number

Stone pillars are always attractive additions to have around the home, whether on the indoors or outdoors. However, you have to be very careful when choosing the number of pillars to install. Very few pillars may not adequately bring out their touch of elegance. On the other hand, too many pillars could make the place look crowded.

–  Column Size

As a homeowner, you are not expected to know the prefect size you need to choose for your stone pillars. This is where the advice of a reliable stone column designer such as Marvelous Marble Design Inc. will come in handy.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 1:28 pm.

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Various Uses of Sandstone Column Designs

There are several stones that are used in the design of home columns. Most of the preferred rocks are marble. However sedimentary rock like sandstone can also be used effectively in the design of houses. Sandstone is also made up of feldspar and quartz. There are several types of sandstone depending on where they are obtained with colors ranging from dull to dark brown. Sandstone has a physical structure that makes it easy to decorate and is mainly used indoors because of its beautiful and decorative appearance. The variety of uses of sandstone for both interior and exterior appearance includes:

sandstone column

Interior design

Sandstone can be used limitlessly for many areas of interior design. The main areas that are fashioned using sandstone include window sills, shelves, floor slabs, arches, porches, fire places and any rails. Sandstone comes in a variety of colors which also makes it easier to use it in virtually all the areas without anybody noticing the monotony. Sandstone does not retain dirt and if the rails, for example, have to be cleaned then you will just scrub and polish afresh but that is after a long period of time.

Exterior design using sandstone

Many varieties of sandstone are weather resistant making them resistant toe adverse weather conditions of heat from the sun, rain and wind. Marble, rock and limestone get eroded with time which means that sandstone is a better bet. The exterior features of a house that are often made from sandstone include archways, pillars and columns. The color of sandstone also varies which means that it can be selected in a planned manner and matched with the external surroundings.

The use of sandstone is not limited to interior and exterior design but can also be used to make other sculptors because of its granular design.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 8:35 pm.

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Selecting The Best Columns Design At Marvelous Marble Design Inc.

The demand for columns design has been high in the market every since these decoration products were introduced in the market. However, not all homeowners are able to find the best designs to purchase. It therefore needs one to search carefully and pick a design that will fit his or her needs perfectly. There are many options in the market but choosing the best model is never easy. You may be required to dig deeper and get imperative information, if you are ready to get the best design in the market.  In essence, if you are ready to change the look of your home and increase its worthy, you need to find the best column design that will satisfy your needs.

columns design

At Marvelous Marble Design Inc, you will stumble upon wide variety of column designs but to pick the best, you need professional assistance if you can not don it yourself. You will come across experienced and qualified staffs who will guide you through the many products that are offered in the company and help you choose a design that is perfect for you. To choose the best column design, you need to look at the available styles. These column designs come in varying styles and the commonly purchased ones are: Roman column style, Cartago style, Creta style and stone column Alejendria among others.

Whether you are in California, Florida or Toronto, you will without doubt find a great column design to purchase. As you make your purchase, it is advisable to also look at the durability of the column design. You need to pick a design that is made from the most durable material and also designed in  an exceptional way that will make your marble columns design stand out. You should not fail to look at the color designs of the columns. Basically, you need to choose a column design that will make your home look more attractive and valuable. Hence, you need to choose the best colors and styles.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 7:55 pm.

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Improve Your Home With Marble Columns Design in New York

If you are planning to refurbish your old home or erect a new one in New York, it is important that you consider incorporating several columns. Columns are very effective in giving an old house a great facelift. The good thing is that there are numerous types of columns you can use. Choosing the best columns design for your house will give you a chance to make your home more styles and valuable. Columns are perfect architectural installations that can transform your ordinary looking house into a valuable and beautiful space. They will help you make a statement and show your taste for style.

marble columns design

Today, columns have become an essential part of a beautiful home. Homeowners today ensure that their structures are decorated using the best column designs. The good thing about columns is that they can be used for both exterior and interior decoration. So if you want to make your new home look different, then you have to choose the best columns design. Many people use these columns in their hallways. Also, if you have an empty space in your house that you want to eliminate, you can always incorporate a perfect columns design.

Apart from adding beauty to a house, columns are also important for support. You can always give your structure extra support by incorporating a good columns design. Luckily, there are several column designs that are strong enough to hold the additional of your building. For instance, the stone columns design is perfect for giving your house extra support. It prevents the house from earthquakes and storms. Having these columns in the luxury hall can really change the entire house. They will make your hallway appear like an old castle. You can even make your house look like the contemporary lofts by adding different column designs.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 6:21 pm.

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Homes in California, Los Angeles Benefitting from Marble Columns

Nothing quite has the ability of complimenting homes than marble columns. Home owners in regions such as Los Angeles, California and New York should capitalize on these in order to increase the appeal and value of their homes. Marvelous Marble Design Inc. is the company behind provision of these quality columns and they provide a variety of options for you to choose from. Top on the list of marble columns is Corinthian. This provides a variety of design options to choose from such as the 2 color columns, stone columns on stairs, white marble Corinthian columns and 12 ft limestone columns.

Alternatively, if you live New York you can also opt for the Ionic marble columns and in this case, you have the chance of making your choice from the 10 foot marble columns, the spiral limestone columns and the marble ionic columns in the kitchen. Those who love the Doric Marble design also have a variety of options to choose from starting from the Cast Stone Doric columns to the Limestone columns in round rotunda, Caststone columns in Hallway and Cast limestone in bathroom. Regardless of the marble columns you choose, you can rest assured that they are going to be of the highest possible quality and what is more, they will make your California, Los Angeles home stand out in a superb manner.

marble columns

Pilaster is another option for people looking for unique marble columns and in this case, there are also a couple of options to choose from. In this respect, there is the 10ft Windows pilaster, interior limestone door surrounds, 9 ft marble pilaster, new design limestone columns and limestone pilaster and wall panels. With these designs, you can always rest assured of getting quality work completed with the agreed timeframe because Marvelous Marble Design Inc.  is dedicated towards ensuring that customer needs and requirements are met.


Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 4:50 pm.

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Custom Marble Limestone Column Designs From Marvelous Marble Design Inc.

Marvelous Marble Design Inc. has been providing clients unique column designs for their homes. Adding cast stones, limestone columns or pilasters to your home is very important in ensuring a better look for your home. You can use column designs to make your front entrance, hallways or even stair sides more elegant. With column designs in your home, even its resale value is increased. This company knows that different homeowners have different preferences in terms of looks they want in their homes. Therefore, this company has manufactured column designs suitable for owners of different homes. They come in different styles and length. These are designed to enable homeowners give their living spaces customized looks. 

marble limestone column

Perhaps, you could be living in New York, Chicago or any other part of the world and now you are wondering where you can get column designs for your home. These designs are available in different outlets all over the world. They are also available online making it possible for you to order them from the comfort of your living room. Therefore, it does not matter whether you are in Toronto, Los Angeles, Texas or other locatios, you can still get column designs of your choice at an affordable price.

May be you saw natural black column designs in your friends home or even in a movie and liked them. You can also have these fitted in your home easily by just ordering for them. Natural black columns are very common in entrances of many homes and in bright walls of such homes. They are also available in pieces making it possible for them to be fitted at the middle, base and even top part of the house. Simple installation of such columns enables home owners achieve the look they want in their homes with spending a fortune.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 4:41 pm.

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Give Your Home A Stylish Look With Limestone Column Design

Building a beautiful home may not be an easy task as many people would possibly think. The good thing is that today, you will find a wide range of column design including ionic marble columns, corinthian marble, doric marble and limestone columns design among others. These are been specially designed to transform your home fully right from the interior to the exteriors. If you wish to enhance your interior decor, then you ought to settle for the best and quality columns designs.

limestone column design

With column design, you can give your a home a stylish and decorative look that you have always wanted. This is because the columns come in a wide range of beautiful designs and styles. You have a wide selection from which, to choose the best depending on the design and type of your home. They feature excellent and modern designs to suit modern and luxurious homes in Florida, Texas, Toronto and Los Angeles. The columns also display strong and bold look. This makes them ideal for small and big homes. Whats more, they feature the best craftmanship. Therefore, if you want to add an artistic touch to your home, then you are guaranteed of a unique touch that will add instant appeal to your home.

They also feature floral and bold patterns. This helps to create a natural and beautiful environment in your home. The patterns are influenced by great architects from Greek and will create a whole new environment inside and outside your home. The other impressive feature about the columns is that they come in a wide range of colors, designs, styles and sizes. It is easy to settle for columns that complement with your existing decor. You only need to define your needs and pay attention to your home and get the best columns for enhanced beauty and elegance. They enhance beauty in the hallway and will brighten up your home.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 4:31 pm.

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Get The Best Cast Stone Column Designs With Marvelous Marble Design Inc.

Uniqueness is always a priority when you seek to build, or refurbish your home. What better way to do it than with some of the new, top-of-the-line columns designs that Marvelous Marble Design Inc. has to offer. It all boils down to what tickles your fancy; with the variety and expertise that Marvelous Marble has to offer, then you are guaranteed elegance and style all rolled up into one nifty little pack. The finishing is always the hardest part; you’ve done most of the work, now you have the burden of trying to figure out what personality to give your home, what you want it to say about you, and the character you want to portray. It may seem like a lot when put that way, but it need not be. Column designs allow you to turn potential migraine in the penultimate design phase into something fun and exciting-as opposed to the laborious process it usually is.

cast stone column

Stone columns designs in California, Texas, New York, Florida and the like, all offer a variety in choice and design that is hard to pass up. Whether you are in the market for an interior marble columns design that blends well with your décor, or you are looking for that unique exterior finish, these designs won’t disappoint, and you won’t just get a fancy looking wall, au contraire!Youget a top class design, a durable finish with a longevity threshold that is quite simply unmatched-under any stretch of the imagination, and believe me-that’s saying something.  

Marvelous Marble Design Inc. has all the details on designs as well as fitting elements and costs. There is a little something for everyone, with guaranteed quality at every level. If you are in the market for a good product, then this is it, stone columns designs are the best in the market, and they continue to be differentiated to suit a larger audience.

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago at 4:21 pm.

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Cream Marfil Marble Columns

A Cream Marfil marble column is an important architectural element in classic interior design. A Long hallway with fluted marble columns or pilaster in both sides is a unique design which you can see in royal European castle or Hollywood luxury home movies.

cream marfil marble column

ionic marble column by Marvelous Marble design

Greek marble columns which are carved from cream marfill marble can change spate the living room and dining room area.

Bianca Carrere columns under the arch ceiling on black marble base on both side of the hallway which connect the elegant marble floor design foyer to 20 ft great room.

Having the mirror between the two marble pilasters on entrance which shows 10 ft marble medallion on foyer is a dream luxury design for any senior interior designer in New York.

Please review above collection or contact us at 1-888-272-0630 for any further information.

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago at 8:26 pm.

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Marble Column in New York City

Unlike the Doric  limestone travertine column, the Ionic designs are generally known for being more slender and subtle, but this architectural element is imposing and prominent. The platform base/ stylobate lead-up are perfectly linear, and shaped in a block layout that gives the column a strong and bold look. The capital has the Ionic archetype: scrolling volutes that curl inwards and have a floral theme that are visible in a north-east-west-south direction. The abacus follows the volutes and is an extraordinary display of handiwork that shows you the class of this limestone column.

marble column

marble columns on foyer

The entablature that is resting on the column has a divine architrave that is separated into two different bands, and a frieze that is connected to the cornice, which is laced with dentils and joists. The crown, or corona, on top hoist your molding ceiling or border frame. The moulded swag clefts and seemingly floral presence aid the natural look of your dream and custom home by giving it the ambience of a garden. Influenced by the ancient Greek architecture, this column will beautifully kiss the Spanish marfil crème marble flooring, and will fit in perfectly with the metopes and triglyph hand-carving on your wall.

This marble column makes a statement and can be in the hallway in between any two rooms, it is that stylish and versatile! The shaft is in a silky smooth texture that can only be given by the handiwork expertise and the natural limestone used by Marvelous marble’s professionals. It is curvaceous and round-shape gives it a sublime look, and has chiseled relief work that provides a frame for each in-between hallway. This marble columns will add another natural stone dimension to your marble fireplace mantel surround and your Heat & Glo fireplace insert. The Marvelous Marble team, which has many years of experience, will, from top-to-bottom show you what we will be doing and we will ask for your feedback and preference.  If you are interested in any of our products in our inventory, please call 1 888 272 0630, as our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to take your call and assist you in all natural stone projects that you may have.

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago at 11:54 pm.

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Marble Columns Design

Welcome to marble columns design. Marble columns design is the best source for any kind of marble column.

you can check the beautiful collection of different king of marble in our website. the web site is affiliate with marvelous marble design inc.

marble columns design

marble pilaster in luxury hall way

we carving the columns from solid natural marble. you can order solid or hollow cream marfil columns up to 14ft high

for your home decore.

please contact us at 1-888-272-0630 or email at for any further information.

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago at 8:12 pm.

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